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The name Dan Friedman may not ring any bells for Boston Public Garden regulars, but if they were to hear his music, they'd know right away that he's Professor World Band. 


As a born and bred baby boomer, Friedman's mantra is to spread peace waves through his music. He frequently wears a bright-colored tie-dye polo and often plays songs like John Lennon's "Stand by Me" and "All You Need is Love."


 With an act that slightly resembles that of Mr. Dawes in Mary Poppins, only much more colorful, Friedman makes music using his cart-like contraption composed of handmade instruments and an array of toys. Hula hoops, stuffed animals, rythm sticks, rubber horns and signs saying "don't worry, be happy," are attached to his cart. He even tapes mallets to his sneakers so he can play the cymbals with his feet when his hand are already occupied. 



Dan Friedman
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